HRAP Online Encyclopedia

Crabs and Shrimp

Oregon has a vast number of species of crabs and shrimp in all different shapes and sizes. Several of the larger species, like Dungeness crab and red rock crab, are commonly caught both commercially and recreationally. Others, like the mole crab, which resembles a large bug more than a crab, is an important prey species for local birds. All species of crab and shrimp have a hard exoskeleton and jointed legs. In order to grow larger, they all shed their exoskeletons periodically. The molts, that often look like an intact crab or shrimp, washed up on the beach, a fun discovery for a beach comber!


Dungeness Crab

Northern Kelp Crab

Mole Crab

Red Rock Crab

Glandular Claw Crab

Striped Shore Crab

Hairy Hermit Crab


Smooth Bay Shrimp

Skeleton Shrimp