Know Before You Fly
Oregon beaches are state parks. There are no statewide rules for operating unmanned aerial systems (UAS), commonly referred to as drones, in Oregon State Parks. However, the Oregon Park and Recreation Department (OPRD) is amending the Oregon Administrative Rules to provide guidelines for drone take-off and landing within state parks and along the Oregon Coast.
The agency intends to create balanced rules to provide the clarity needed for drone pilots, hobbyists, and the general public to know where drone take-off and landing is allowed and prohibited within a state park and along the ocean shore.
How to Fly Responsibly
Maintain a safe distance from wildlife.
Fines can be issued if a drone is seen disturbing wildlife (e.g. flushing nesting seabirds) regardless of where the operator is standing.
It is recommended to keep at least 500 feet from any of the islands. Just remember the ‘two rock rule’.
Remember it is illegal to take off, land, or operate a drone in congressionally designated Wilderness areas.
Launch your drone at least 328 feet away from wildlife. Do not approach animals or birds vertically with the drone.
Drones must be flown below 400 feet and remain clear of surrounding obstacles.
Follow Federal Aviation Association (FAA) guidelines.
Things to Know
In 1968, Haystack Rock was added to the Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge. A drone cannot take off, land in, or be operated in congressionally designated Wilderness areas. Learn more here.
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 makes it illegal to pursue, capture, hunt, kill, possess, sell, import, export, and harass any migratory bird.
All marine mammals are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). This federal law makes it illegal to move, touch, harass, feed, or kill marine mammals. Learn more about drone regulations when viewing marine mammals here.
Report a Violation
Cannon Beach Police Department: 503-738-6311
Oregon State Police: *677
Oregon State Parks: 800-551-6949
U.S Fish and Wildlife Service: 1-844-397-8477