Purple Encrusting Sponge (Haliclona cinerea)
Purple encrusting sponge (photo credit: Molly Sultany)
Other Names: Pink turret sponge
Description: The pores of purple, yellow-green, and red encrusting sponges can sometimes take on a volcano-like appearance; other times, they simply look like holes on a flat surface. spotted leopard dorids eat purple encrusting sponge
Habitat: commonly found in the intertidal zone of the Pacific Ocean along North America on rocks and between rock crevices in tide pools
Diet: They filter feed in the water in order to eat things like detritus, plankton, and they can even filter dissolved nutrients in the water into their bodies.
Tide Pool Tidbits:
References: Central Coast Biodiversity pages on purple encrusting sponge and yellow-green encrusting sponge