Ostrich-plume Hydroid (Aglaophenia spp.)

Ostrich-plume hydroids (photo credit: Lauren Rice)

Description: Although it looks like a plant, this group of feathery structures is an animal in the hydroid family. Ostrich-plume hydroids are typically shades of yellow, orange, or red, but can also be black. They have polyps growing on one side of their plumes.

Habitat: This species ranges from Alaska to Central America. They grow in clumps attached to rocks and boulders in low intertidal and sub-tidal zones. At Haystack rock they are most often found near the Needles.

Diet: Hydroids are predators that feed on animals like zooplankton and even fish.

Tide Pool Tidbits:

  • Ostrich-plume hydroid colonies can grow to be 15 centimeters long! 

  • Hydroid lifespans can range from a few weeks to a year long.

Reference: Central Coast Biodiversity