HRAP Online Encyclopedia
Marine Mammals
Marine mammals have a unique ancestral history, evolving from ocean animals to land animal and then back to the ocean. Like all over mammals, marine mammals are warm blooded, breath air, give birth to live young and feed their babies milk. and The two primary categories of marine mammal in Oregon are cetaceans (whales and dolphins) and pinnipeds (seals and sea lions). Sea otters are also occasionally spotted, but this is more rare due to their small population. Marine mammals are typically found off shore in the Cannon Beach area. To see whales or seals and sea lions find a location with a high vantage point and look out towards the horizon for a splash or fin popping out of the water. If you come across a marine mammal in distress on the beach, give the animal plenty of space and call the Seaside Aquarium to report it to The Marine Mammal Stranding Network of the North Coast.