HRAP Online Encyclopedia
Jellies have been floating in oceans across the world for hundreds of millions of years. These adaptable creatures are classified as a type of plankton due to the fact that they drift in ocean currents. True jellies have two primary life stages: the polyp phase where it is attached to a substrate, and the medusa phase where they develop a bell and tentacles. Comb jellies like the Pacific sea gooseberry, are covered in “cilia”, little hairs arranged in lines that help it swim. At Haystack Rock it is common to have hundreds of the same species of jelly wash up when currents happen to push a jelly bloom towards shore. Although not all species of jellies in Oregon sting, it is best practice to avoid touching all jellies. Even a dead jelly could still contain stinging cells!
Reference: The New Beachcomber’s Guide to the Pacific Northwest (2019)