For Kids!
This page contains a bunch of fun ocean activities for kids! Here, you will find things like coloring pages, word searches, crossword puzzles, mazes, and more! Explore these resources through the pictures below, and feel free to print out activities from the link provided underneath each image.
Coloring Pages
Coloring pages from the Haystack Rock Multilingual Coloring Book by Dorota Haber-Lehigh.
These coloring pages illustrate sea creatures commonly found at Haystack Rock. Below each coloring page, you will find translations of each sea creature’s name in various languages!
Download this coloring page here to print it out.
Sea Anemone:
Seeanemone (zee-ah-neh-moh-neh) - German
Anemone di mare (ah-neh-moneh dee mare) - Italian
Anémone de mer (a-nay-moan duh mair) - French
Anémona del mar (ah-néh-monah del mar) - Spanish
Morski anemon (mor-ski ah-neh-mon) - Polish
Aктинии (aktinii) - Russian
イソギンチャク (isoginchaku) - Japanese
海葵 (hǎi kuí) - Chinese
Download this coloring page here to print it out.
Sea star/Starfish:
морская звезда (morskaya zvezda) - Russian
Rozgwiazda (roz-gvyah-zdah) - Polish
海星 (hai-xing) - Chinese
ヒトデ (hi-to-deh) - Japanese
Seestern (zee-shtern) - German
Stella di mare (stella dee ma-reh) - Italian
Estrella del mar (eh-streh-yah del mar) - Spanish
Étoile de mer (ay twal duh mair) - French
Download this coloring page here to print it out.
Ostrero (oh-streh-roh) - Spanish
Austernfischer (austern fisher) - German
Beccaccia di mare (beh-kachchya dee mare) - Italian
Ostrygojad (ostry-goh-yad) - Polish
牡蛎捕手 (mǔlì bǔshǒu) - Chinese
Кулик-сорока (kulik-soroka) - Russian
Huîtrier (we trh-ye) - French
ミヤコドリ (miyakodori) - Japanese
Download this coloring page here to print it out.
Sea slugs/Nudibranch:
Caracol marino (kah-rah-kol mah-ree-noh) - Spanish
Limace de mer (le-mahs duh mair) - French
Lumaca di mare (loo-mah-kah dee mare) - Italian
Meeresschnecke (mee-ehr shnekn) - German
Голожаберник (golozhabernykh) - Russian
Ślimaki wodne bez skorupy (shlee-maki vodneh bez sko-roo-peh) - Polish
ウミウシ (umiushi) - Japanese
海蛞蝓 (hai kuo-you) - Chinese
Download this coloring page here to print it out.
Maskonur (maskoh-nur) - Polish
Macareux (maca-ruh) - French
ツノメドリ (tsuno-medori) - Japanese
Тупик (tupik) - Russian
Pulcinella di mare (pulseenella dee mah-reh) - Italian
Frailecillo (frah-ee-leh-see-yoh) - Spanish
Papageientaucher (papa-gayen-tauher) - German
海雀 (hai chie) - Chinese
Download this coloring page here to print it out.
カニ (kani) - Japanese
螃蟹 (pan-xie) - Chinese
Granchio (gran-kyo) - Italian
Krab (krab) - Polish
Krabbe (krabb-eh) - German
Crab (crab) - French
Краб (krab) - Russian
Cangrejo (kan-greh-hoh) - Spanish
Activity sheets from Shorebirds- Migratory Superheroes! by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services.
Shorebirds are birds that are often found along shorelines or in mudflats, and many species of shorebirds are found at Haystack Rock. Learn all about them through these activities!
Word search from Everything You Need to Teach Oceans by Discovery Channel School.
Download this word search here to print it out.